Foamextinguisher, with aqueous flim forming addictive (AFFF), offers improved fireextinguishing abilities over water based extinguisher . The foams forms anaqueous flim which helps to prevent the release of fuel vapours while the foamblanket (from which the flim forming liquid drains) excludes oxygen from thefuel surface, extinguishing the fire and preventing re-ignition. The watercontent of the foam provides a cooling effect. The flim forming liquid,although heavier, floats on the surface of the fuel, due to it's surfacetension
Effective on Bclass hydrocarbon fuel fires such as oil , petroleum, aviation fuel, and ispaticularly suitable where fast fire knockdown is essential. It is compatiblewith all dry powders. It's excellent wetting characteristics make it useful incombating Class A fire as well
The mostcommonly used type of fire extinguishant for Class A fires involvingcarbonaceous materials such as wood, textiles by cooling the fire and removingthe heat needed for combustion