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 Intelligent Fire Detection System
  •  Intelligent Fire Detection System
  •  Intelligent Fire Detection System
  •  Intelligent Fire Detection System

Intelligent Fire Detection System

  • Mã sản phẩm: FireFinder XLS
  • Hãng sản xuất: Siemens
  • Bảo hành: 1 Năm
  • Tình trạng: 1
  • Giá: Vui lòng liên hệ
  • Giá khuyến mại: Vui lòng liên hệ
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  • Nothing protects people and property like a FireFinder® XLSsystem. When a fire is detected anywhere in the building, the panel isinstantly alerted. In less time than it takes to draw a single breath, alarmsare activated and emergency control operations are engaged, including fire doorclosure, elevator capture and air handler shut-off. When first respondersarrive, the FireFinder XLS displays the critical information they need tomake potentially life-saving decisions, courtesy of an industry-leading 6-inch,full-color LCD that provides crystal-clear, easy-to-read text on screenscolor-coded by event type. Floor plans, hazmat icons and available actions arealso accessible via intuitive on-screen menus.

    FireFinder XLS is an intelligent fire detection system that canbe networked and configured with or without optional voice evacuationproviding a survivable system design that integrates state of the art andemerging technologies.

    Integrate with Xtralis® aspiration detectors (VESDA) via aspecial interface to provide comprehensive protection of sensitive areas suchas datacenters.

    + Meets the UL 2572 standard for in-building mass notification.

    Use with ASAtechnology™ detectors to provide protection backedby a No False Alarm Guarantee to a wide range of environment types. 

    Offers option carbon monoxide protection via ASAtechnologydetectors.

    The FireFinder® XLS family is ideal for large or sophisticatedapplications such as hi-rise buildings and campuses. Each panel supportsup to 2,500 addressable points, and multiple panels can be networked together.Optional voice evacuation provides the flexibility to use the panel forbackground music, paging, or emergency evacuation.

    FireFinder XLSSystem include:

    1.    FireFinderPanel

    + FireFinder® XLS At-a-Glance

    FireFinder XLS is a responsive intelligent fire detection systemthat detects fires  and begins notifying occupants in less than 3 seconds.The large 6" full-color LCD display on the FireFinder XLS panel displaysevents color-coded by type, making it easy to understand and respond to analarm.

    + A Highly Survivable System: The FireFinder XLSV  offersunsurpassed intelligibility via a digital emergency voice evacuation system tofacilitate communication and emergency exit from even the tallest hi-rise. Thesystem is compatible with emerging technology and is listed for use inemergency communication and mass notification applications.

     2.     Compatible Detectors

    + Thermal (Heat) Detectors: Thermal detectors identifyfire based on changes in temperature

    + Multi-criteria Detectors: Detectors that offerthermal and optical detection.

    + Photoelectric (Optical) Detectors: Photoelectricdetectors register changes in light intensity as minute smoke particles enterthe detector.

    + Advanced Multi-criteria Detectors: Detectorsthat feature redundant thermal and optical sensors. Some include carbonmonoxide detection.

    3.  SpecialtyDetectors

    + VESDAAspirating Detection: This allows for cost-effective, comprehensivedetection coverage of highly sensitive areas such as datacenters

    + Beam Smoke Detectors: Optical Beam Detectorscover large areas and provide smoke detection in areas where traditional pointdetectors are not practical. They are well suited for situations that mightinclude high ceilings, dusty and dirty environments, or environments thatexperience temperature extremes.

    + Flame Detectors: This line of detectorsallows us to have a more complete offering for the industrial oil and gasmarkets as well as for the more general commercial market.

    + Carbon Monoxide Detector: The Detectors can be fullysupervised for power and faults, and can interface with Siemens XLS, MXL,MXL-IQ, and FS-250 fire-alarm panels, via the TRI, HTRI, CZM-1B6 or HZM modules

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