Cerberus™PRO is an intelligent fire protection system for fast, reliable detection,alarm signaling, and control. Its wide portfolio comprises innovative productswith intelligent technology. Cerberus PRO is an excellent fire protection system for a variety ofapplications.This industry leading system ensures maximum safety and optimalprotection of people and assets, business security and processes. The fire protection system Cerberus PRO includes: 1.Fire Control Panels Intelligent Technology for Comprehensive Safety Cerberus™PRO control panels and fire terminals are the ideal choice for a variety ofapplications.They are easy and intuitive to operate. These panels providecustomized instruction texts in the event of an alarm, providing thequick and appropriate action to save lives and assets. The Cerberus PROcontrol panel family comprises: ·A stand-alone control panel forsmaller applications ·Networkable control panels fora variety of applications ·A networkable fire terminal foroperation remote from the control panel
2.Cerberus PRO Fire Detectors Fast, Reliable Detection with Patented Technology CerberusPRO provides detectors for different applications. They can be used in cleanenvironments like data centers or dirty environments like auto repair shops.Thanks to their intelligent technology, the detectors quickly and reliablyanalyze the main criteria for fire, smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide. Siemensunique ASAtechnology™ also provides protection against false alarms, even indemanding environments. This ensures business continuity without unnecessaryand costly interruptions – and increased fire safety for people and assets. The Cerberus PROdetector family includes: ·Innovative technology forenhanced detection ·Advanced detectors fordemanding environments ·Standard detectors for normalenvironments 3.Peripheral Devices for Comprehensive Fire Safety 3.1.Remote Indicators ·Areconnected to automatic fire detectors that are not easily accessible or visible ·Contain an indicator lamp unitwith one or two LEDs which will light up when the connected detector triggersan alarm ·A ceiling-mount and awall-mount remote indicator are available 3.2.Air Duct Housings ·New,improved features include easy installation, improved operating temperaturerange, and optional in-duct carbon monoxide (CO) detection ·A weather-proof enclosure isoptionally available ·Backward compatible withH-series detectors and same footprint as existing Siemens duct housings 3.3.Manual Pull Stations ·Forimmediate manual actuation of a fire alarm or an extinguishing process ·Direct alarm actuation bypulling down locking lever ·For indoor and outdoorapplications 3.4.Line Modules ·Inputmodules monitor devices responsible for alarm inputs and confirm signals ortechnical states etc. ·Output modules control otherequipment, such as door holders, fire dampers, smoke control systems, plantshutdown etc.
·FDCIO422 provides class A and Bwiring and supervision with 4 inputs and 4 outputs